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Pet-Based Virtual Worlds for Kids

Beoordeel dit Artikel As of right now there’s a pretty large amount of virtual world games out there that revolve around having and raising pets. In this article we’ll be talking about some of the very best pet based virtual worlds out there that you should definitely try out. Pets Vale - Pet-Based Virtual Worlds for Kids

There are many reasons we chose these games over the various other options available. The primary reason is the fact that they offer lots of engaging gameplay activities so players simply cannot get bored while playing them. They’re filled with mini-games, socialization elements, places to explore and much more so you’ll pretty much never feel idle whenever you’re playing them.

Another reason we enjoyed these games so much and are recommending them to you is that they look pretty amazing as well. They’re all targeted at a young audience so they need to look the part as well and fortunately they do. The artwork is delightful, the animations are really smooth and they all utilize a really bright color palette which makes everything really appealing and basically uplifts the entire look of the game.

The following three pet-based virtual world games are those that we feel you should definitely try out.


Neopets is a phenomenal game that’s been around for more than 15 years now and even today it has one of the most massive player-bases out there. A game simply cannot survive things long unless it has some really appealing features that would make players want to visit it over and over again every single day. The game features a wide variety of pets that you can choose from, hundreds of mini-games to enjoy, lots of social features, a massive game world to explore and even a few PvP elements here and there for the players who like to go against others in competitive duels.


Marapets was released back in 2004. What made this game stand out from the rest of the crowd was the fact that it took a lot of inspiration from the games that already existed and then used this inspiration to create a near perfect game that players pretty much immediately fell in love with. Marapets has a massive variety of pets that you can raise, lots of ways to interact with your fellow players and some of the most delightful artwork out there.

Moshi Monsters

Moshi Monsters is the most recently released of all three games. The game surfaced back in 2008 and ever since then it’s been at the absolute top of the pet-based virtual world category. What makes Moshi Monsters a game worth playing is the fact that there’s essentially an endless amount of activities for players to engage themselves in and alongside this, the visuals are really high quality and the game’s filled with tons of eye candy for the players to enjoy.

All said and done, all three of the aforementioned games are great and we definitely recommend trying them out since they’re all really fun to play and are capable of delivering some very memorable moments.

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